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September 17, 2008


anne jude

I think the defining moment is when you have to ask yourself if it truly is a problem. And, for all of us who have shelled out way too much money on frivilous, beautiful accessories, (shoes...bags...belts...we've all been there!) we've all had to stop and ask ourselves that very question!! Unfortunately, I don't exactly understand the difference (b/w want and need) yet, either!


I have this problem with purses; I just put down $500 for a beautiful purple Bulga bag! I am definitely questioning if that was too much.


My problem is more with clothes in general. I keep running out of hangers in my closet and having to drape clothes over my bedroom chair (pretty sad since I have a decent size walk in closet). One of these days I need to go through and clean it out!


I have a belt problem, but that's a lot less expensive so I don't think it's much of a problem. Shoe problems can be lethal.

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