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January 05, 2009


mulberry bags uk

Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!

Jules Howard

I for sure have to say the shoe-oot, or the booe. That boot that is half boot and half shoe. Can you make up your %$#^&*! mind? It's either a boot or a shoe ladies. Stop trying to be so trendy.


An interesting concept that is, "The Life Span of Fashion Trends". I wonder if it is somehow deduced by some sort of Sciencefashiontific Method or by pure gut feeling.....hmmm...I wonder.


An interesting concept that is....."The Life Span of Fashion Trends". I ponder if it is somehow deduced by some sort of Sciencefashiontific Method or pure gut feeling...hmmm...I wonder.

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